AB150-ASA, s. 65 9Section 65. 14.82 (1) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB150-ASA,33,510 14.82 (1) (intro.) Minnesota-Wisconsin. There is created a commission of 5
11citizens nominated by the governor, and with the advice and consent of the senate
12appointed, for staggered 5-year terms, to represent this state on the joint
13Minnesota-Wisconsin boundary area commission. Any vacancy shall be filled for the
14balance of the unexpired term. To assist the commission, there is created a
15legislative advisory committee comprising 4 senators and 6 representatives to the
16assembly appointed as are the members of standing committees in their respective
17houses, and a technical advisory committee of 2 members appointed by the governor
18and one member each appointed by the governing board or head of the following
19agencies, to represent such agencies: the department of justice, the department of
20administration, the department of agriculture, trade and consumer protection, the
21department of natural resources, the department of health and social services, the
22public service commission, the department of tourism and the department of
23development. The members of the commission and the members of its advisory
24committees shall serve without compensation but shall be reimbursed for actual and
25necessary expenses incurred in the performance of their duties, from the

1appropriation made by s. 20.315 (1), on vouchers approved by the Wisconsin member
2of the commission selected to serve as its chairperson or vice chairperson. All other
3expenses incurred by the commission in the course of exercising its powers and
4duties, unless met in some other manner specifically provided by statute, shall be
5paid by the commission out of its own funds.
AB150-ASA, s. 66 6Section 66. 14.85 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB150-ASA,33,107 14.85 (2) The secretaries secretary of development, the secretary of tourism,
8the secretary of
natural resources and, the secretary of transportation, and the
9director of the historical society, or their designees, shall serve as nonvoting members
10of the commission.
AB150-ASA, s. 67 11Section 67. 14.85 (8) (d) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB150-ASA,33,2312 14.85 (8) (d) If permitted by law, any state agency or local public body, board,
13commission or agency may allocate funds under its control to fund programs
14recommended by the commission. If the department of development determines that
15a program recommended by the commission to undertake activities relating to the
16promotion of tourism and economic development is consistent with the department's
17statewide tourism marketing and economic development plans, priorities and
18resources, the department shall have primary responsibility to support the activities
19of the program. If the department of tourism determines that a program
20recommended by the commission to undertake activities relating to the promotion
21of tourism is consistent with the department's statewide tourism marketing plans,
22priorities and resources, the department shall have primary responsibility to
23support the activities of the program.
AB150-ASA, s. 68 24Section 68. 14.85 (9) of the statutes is amended to read:
114.85 (9) The commission may establish a technical committee to advise the
2commission. The members of the committee shall include at least one employe each
3from the departments department of transportation, the department of tourism and
4the department of development. The commission shall request the departments
5department of transportation, the department of tourism and the department of
6development to designate employes to serve on the committee and may request any
7other state agency to designate an employe to serve on the committee.
AB150-ASA, s. 71 8Section 71. Subchapter VI of chapter 14 [precedes 14.91] of the statutes is
9created to read:
AB150-ASA,34,1010 Chapter 14
AB150-ASA,34,1311 SuBCHAPTER vi
12 Office of the state superintendent
13 Of public instruction
AB150-ASA,34,18 1414.91 Creation of office of the state superintendent of public
There is created an office of the state superintendent of public
16instruction attached to the department of education under s. 15.03. The office shall
17be under the direction and supervision of the state superintendent of public
AB150-ASA,34,20 1914.93 Duties of state superintendent of public instruction. (1) The state
20superintendent of public instruction shall do all of the following:
AB150-ASA,34,2221 (a) Visit, ascertain the condition of and stimulate public interest in the public
22elementary and secondary schools of this state.
AB150-ASA,34,2423 (b) Advocate for the needs of the children of this state and the school districts
24of this state.
1(c) Provide information to the public on the public elementary and secondary
2schools and school districts of this state.
AB150-ASA,35,63 (d) Annually submit to the governor, and to the legislature under s. 13.172 (2),
4a plan for improving the public elementary and secondary schools of this state and
5for improving the academic achievement of public elementary and secondary school
AB150-ASA,35,87 (e) Annually by October 1, report to the legislature under s. 13.172 (2) his or
8her activities during the previous fiscal year.
AB150-ASA,35,9 9(2) The state superintendent of public instruction may do all of the following:
AB150-ASA,35,1110 (a) Designate a staff member as the state superintendent's representative on
11any body on which the state superintendent is required to serve.
AB150-ASA,35,1412 (b) Attend such educational meetings and make such investigations as the
13state superintendent deems important and as will acquaint the state superintendent
14with the different systems of public schools in the United States.
AB150-ASA, s. 72 15Section 72. 15.01 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB150-ASA,36,216 15.01 (2) "Commission" means a 3-member governing body in charge of a
17department or independent agency or of a division or other subunit within a
18department, except for the sentencing commission which shall consist of 17
19education commission which shall consist of 11 members, the Wisconsin waterways
20commission which shall consist of 5 members, the parole commission which shall
21consist of 5 members and, the Fox river management commission which shall consist
22of 7 members and the Wisconsin sesquicentennial commission which shall consist of
2321 members
. A Wisconsin group created for participation in a continuing interstate
24body shall be known as a "commission", but is not a commission for purposes of s.

115.06. The parole commission created under s. 15.145 (1) shall be known as a
2"commission", but is not a commission for purposes of s. 15.06.
AB150-ASA, s. 73 3Section 73. 15.01 (4) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB150-ASA,36,114 15.01 (4) "Council" means a part-time body appointed to function on a
5continuing basis for the study, and recommendation of solutions and policy
6alternatives, of the problems arising in a specified functional area of state
7government, except the Milwaukee river revitalization council has the powers and
8duties specified in s. 23.18, the council on physical disabilities has the powers and
9duties specified in s. 46.29 (1) and (2), the privacy council has the powers specified
10in s. 19.625
and the state council on alcohol and other drug abuse has the powers and
11duties specified in s. 14.24.
AB150-ASA, s. 74 12Section 74. 15.01 (6) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB150-ASA,36,2313 15.01 (6) "Division," "bureau," "section" and "unit" means the subunits of a
14department or an independent agency, whether specifically created by law or created
15by the head of the department or the independent agency for the more economic and
16efficient administration and operation of the programs assigned to the department
17or independent agency. The office of justice assistance in the department of
18administration has and the office of credit unions in the department of financial
19institutions have
the meaning of "division" under this subsection. The office of
20health care information in the office of the commissioner of insurance, the office of
21the long-term care ombudsman under the board on aging and long-term care and
22the office of educational accountability in the department of public instruction have
23the meaning of "bureau" under this subsection.
AB150-ASA, s. 75 24Section 75. 15.02 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
115.02 (1) Separate constitutional offices. The governor, lieutenant governor,
2secretary of state, state superintendent of public instruction and state treasurer
3each head a staff to be termed the "office" of the respective constitutional officer.
AB150-ASA, s. 76 4Section 76. 15.02 (3) (c) 1. of the statutes is amended to read:
AB150-ASA,37,115 15.02 (3) (c) 1. The principal subunit of the department is the "division". Each
6division shall be headed by an "administrator". The office of justice assistance in the
7department of administration has and the office of credit unions in the department
8of financial institutions have
the meaning of "division" and the executive staff
9director of the office of justice assistance in the department of administration has and
10the director of credit unions have
the meaning of "administrator" under this
AB150-ASA, s. 76c 12Section 76c. 15.02 (3) (c) 2m. of the statutes is created to read:
AB150-ASA,37,1413 15.02 (3) (c) 2m. Notwithstanding subds. 1. and 2., the principal subunit of the
14department of tourism is the "bureau", which shall be headed by a "director".
AB150-ASA, s. 77m 15Section 77m. 15.04 (1) (c) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB150-ASA,38,216 15.04 (1) (c) Advisory bodies. In addition to any councils specifically created
17by law, create and appoint such councils or committees as the operation of the
18department or independent agency requires. Each council or committee created
19under this paragraph is terminated upon expiration of the term of office of the
20governor during whose term the council or committee is created, unless terminated
21at an earlier date by the head of the department or independent agency in which the
22council or committee is created.
Members of councils and committees created under
23this general authority shall serve without compensation, but may be reimbursed for
24their actual and necessary expenses incurred in the performance of their duties and,
25if such reimbursement is made, such reimbursement in the case of an officer or

1employe of this state who represents an agency as a member of such a council or
2committee shall be paid by the agency which pays the officer's or employe's salary.
AB150-ASA, s. 77n 3Section 77n. 15.04 (1) (cm) of the statutes is created to read:
AB150-ASA,38,84 15.04 (1) (cm) Termination of certain nonstatutory councils and committees.
5Notwithstanding par. (c), each council and committee created under that paragraph
6that is in existence on January 3, 1999, terminates on that date unless the council
7or committee is terminated at an earlier date by the head of the department or
8independent agency in which the council or committee is created.
AB150-ASA, s. 77p 9Section 77p. 15.04 (1) (cm) of the statutes, as created by 1995 Wisconsin Act
10Wisconsin Act .... (this act), is repealed.
AB150-ASA, s. 78 11Section 78. 15.04 (1) (h) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB150-ASA,38,1712 15.04 (1) (h) (title) Report of forms and papers used records management.
13Annually, no later than September 1, file with the public records and forms board a
14report which shall include such information relative to records and forms
15management as may be specified by the board. The report shall cover all previously
16unsubmitted forms and papers that were required to be filed with the department
17or independent agency during the preceding fiscal year.
AB150-ASA, s. 79 18Section 79. 15.04 (1) (j) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB150-ASA,38,2319 15.04 (1) (j) Records and forms officer. Appoint a records and forms officer, who
20shall be responsible for reviewing, consolidating, simplifying, designing and filing all
21records and forms
compliance by the department or independent agency with all
22records and forms management laws and rules
and who may prevent any form from
23being put into use.
AB150-ASA, s. 79h 24Section 79h. 15.05 (1) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
115.05 (1) (b) If Except as provided in pars. (c) and (d), if a department is under
2the direction and supervision of a board, the board shall appoint a secretary to serve
3at the pleasure of the board outside the classified service. In such departments, the
4powers and duties of the board shall be regulatory, advisory and policy-making, and
5not administrative. All of the administrative powers and duties of the department
6are vested in the secretary, to be administered by him or her under the direction of
7the board. The secretary, with the approval of the board, shall promulgate rules for
8administering the department and performing the duties assigned to the
AB150-ASA, s. 79r 10Section 79r. 15.05 (1) (c) of the statutes is created to read:
AB150-ASA,39,1311 15.05 (1) (c) The secretary of natural resources shall be nominated by the
12governor, and with the advice and consent of the senate appointed, to serve at the
13pleasure of the governor.
AB150-ASA, s. 79s 14Section 79s. 15.05 (1) (d) of the statutes is created to read:
AB150-ASA,39,1715 15.05 (1) (d) The secretary of agriculture, trade and consumer protection shall
16be nominated by the governor, and with the advice and consent of the senate
17appointed, to serve at the pleasure of the governor.
AB150-ASA, s. 80m 18Section 80m. 15.05 (3) of the statutes is repealed.
AB150-ASA, s. 81 19Section 81. 15.05 (3m) of the statutes is created to read:
AB150-ASA,39,2220 15.05 (3m) Field district or field area directors. Each secretary may appoint
21a director under the classified service for each district or area office established in
22his or her department under s. 15.02 (3) (b).
AB150-ASA, s. 81m 23Section 81m. 15.05 (5) of the statutes is repealed.
AB150-ASA, s. 82 24Section 82. 15.06 (1) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
115.06 (1) (a) Except as otherwise provided in this subsection and s. 15.105 (17)
2ss. 15.37 and 15.705 (3), the members of commissions shall be nominated by the
3governor, and with the advice and consent of the senate appointed, for staggered
46-year terms expiring on March 1 of the odd-numbered years.
AB150-ASA, s. 84 5Section 84. 15.06 (1) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB150-ASA,40,116 15.06 (1) (b) The commissioners commissioner of banking, credit unions,
7savings and loan,
insurance and securities shall each be nominated by the governor,
8and with the advice and consent of the senate appointed, to serve at the pleasure of
9the governor. The governor may remove from office the commissioners commissioner
10of banking, credit unions, savings and loan, insurance and securities who were was
11appointed for a fixed term before August 1, 1987.
AB150-ASA, s. 86m 12Section 86m. 15.06 (1) (f) of the statutes is repealed.
AB150-ASA, s. 88m 13Section 88m. 15.06 (2) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB150-ASA,40,1914 15.06 (2) Selection of officers. (intro.) Each Except as provided in s. 44.25
15(5), each
commission may annually elect officers other than a chairperson from
16among its members as its work requires. Any officer may be reappointed or reelected.
17At the time of making new nominations to commissions, the governor shall designate
18a member or nominee of each commission to serve as the commission's chairperson
19for a 2-year term expiring on March 1 of the odd-numbered year except that:
AB150-ASA, s. 90m 20Section 90m. 15.06 (2) (c) of the statutes is created to read:
AB150-ASA,40,2221 15.06 (2) (c) The state superintendent of public instruction shall serve as the
22chairperson of the education commission.
AB150-ASA, s. 91L 23Section 91L. 15.06 (3) (a) 4m. of the statutes is created to read:
AB150-ASA,40,2424 15.06 (3) (a) 4m. The members of the Wisconsin sesquicentennial commission.
AB150-ASA, s. 91m 25Section 91m. 15.06 (3) (a) 6. of the statutes is created to read:
115.06 (3) (a) 6. The members of the education commission who are not the
2chairperson. The members of the education commission shall be reimbursed for
3expenses under s. 15.07 (5).
AB150-ASA, s. 92 4Section 92. 15.06 (3) (c) of the statutes is repealed.
AB150-ASA, s. 92e 5Section 92e. 15.06 (4) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB150-ASA,41,96 15.06 (4) Chairperson; administrative duties. The administrative duties of
7each commission, other than the education commission, shall be vested in its
8chairperson, to be administered by the chairperson under the statutes and rules of
9the commission and subject to the policies established by the commission.
AB150-ASA, s. 92g 10Section 92g. 15.06 (4m) of the statutes is repealed.
AB150-ASA, s. 92m 11Section 92m. 15.06 (5) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB150-ASA,41,1612 15.06 (5) Frequency of meetings; place. Every commission shall meet on the
13call of the chairperson or a majority of its members, except that the education
14commission shall meet on the call of the chairperson or a majority of its voting
. Every commission shall maintain its offices in Madison, but may meet or
16hold hearings at such other locations as will best serve the citizens of this state.
AB150-ASA, s. 92s 17Section 92s. 15.06 (6) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB150-ASA,41,2218 15.06 (6) Quorum. A majority of the membership of a commission constitutes
19a quorum to do business, except that a majority of the voting members of the
20education commission constitutes a quorum to do business and except that
21shall not prevent a commission from doing business. This subsection does not apply
22to the parole commission.
AB150-ASA, s. 92t 23Section 92t. 15.06 (9) of the statutes is repealed.
AB150-ASA, s. 93 24Section 93. 15.07 (1) (a) 1. of the statutes is repealed.
AB150-ASA, s. 93e 25Section 93e. 15.07 (1) (a) 6. of the statutes is created to read:
115.07 (1) (a) 6. Members of the University of Wisconsin Hospitals and Clinics
2Board appointed under s. 15.96 (8) shall be appointed by the governor without senate
AB150-ASA, s. 93m 4Section 93m. 15.07 (1) (b) 15. of the statutes is amended to read:
AB150-ASA,42,65 15.07 (1) (b) 15. The 3 members of the lower Wisconsin state riverway board
6appointed under s. 15.345 (6) 15.445 (3) (b) 7.
AB150-ASA, s. 93s 7Section 93s. 15.07 (1) (b) 15m. of the statutes is created to read:
AB150-ASA,42,88 15.07 (1) (b) 15m. State fair park board.
AB150-ASA, s. 94 9Section 94. 15.07 (1) (b) 20. of the statutes is amended to read:
AB150-ASA,42,1110 15.07 (1) (b) 20. The 3 members of the Kickapoo valley governing board
11appointed under s. 15.105 (23) 15.445 (2) (b) 3.
AB150-ASA, s. 94c 12Section 94c. 15.07 (1) (b) 21. of the statutes is created to read:
AB150-ASA,42,1413 15.07 (1) (b) 21. The 2 members of the public intervenor board appointed under
14s. 15.345 (4) (b) 3.
AB150-ASA, s. 95 15Section 95. 15.07 (1) (cm) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB150-ASA,43,616 15.07 (1) (cm) The term of one member of the ethics board shall expire on each
17May 1. The terms of 3 members of the development finance board appointed under
18s. 15.155 (1) (a) 6. shall expire on May 1 of every even-numbered year and the terms
19of the other 3 members appointed under s. 15.155 (1) (a) 6. shall expire on May 1 of
20every odd-numbered year. The terms of the 3 members of the land and water
21conservation board appointed under s. 15.135 (4) (b) 2. shall expire on January 1.
22The term of the member of the land and water conservation board appointed under
23s. 15.135 (4) (b) 2m shall expire on May 1 of an even-numbered year. The terms of
24members of the real estate board shall expire on July 1. The terms of the appraiser
25members of the real estate appraisers board and the terms of the auctioneer and

1auction company representative members of the auctioneer board shall expire on
2May 1 in an even-numbered year. The terms of the members of the radioactive waste
3review board shall expire as provided in s. 15.915 (4) (c)
The terms of the members
4of the public intervenor board shall expire as provided in s. 15.345 (4) (b). The terms
5of the 4 members of the educational technology board appointed under s. 15.105 (26)
6(a) 1., 3., 6. and 9. shall expire on May 1 in an even-numbered year